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Causes of Skin Acne

causes of acne

Acne is the most common skin problem that is not just ruin the appearance, but also potentially triggers a crisis of confidence. In addition to treatment, you need to identify triggers the appearance of acne as a precautionary measure.

Here are seven causes of acne that you need to know:

1. Hormone
If the acne appears monthly and periodically, most likely caused by hormones. Fluctuations in hormone levels during the menstrual cycle, is huge trigger acne.

2. Stress
When you stress, do not be surprised if the acne will grow in large quantities. In fact, when the psychological pressure, the body will produce more androgenic hormones trigger the growth of acne.

3. Phone
Are you including miss 'ring-ring'? Wireless phones, including goods, dirty and contaminated many bacteria. Often using the phone for a long time can irritate the skin on the cheek. The acne because bacteria easily grow attached to the cheek.

4. Moisturizing cream
Make sure the cream that you use everyday are suitable for skin types. Using a moisturizing cream that does not match the skin type of potential trigger acne and skin inflammation.

5. Sun
Sunlight makes the skin thicken. This thickening causes the blockage of pores and acne formation.

6. Highly pigmented cosmetics
Cosmetics that contain high color pigments can also clog pores and cause severe acne. Try to use decorative cosmetics mineral, because it is not very high pigment content.

7. Facial soap
Function of facial soap to clean the dirt from his/her face. But in some facial soap, cleaning the content actually related in the pores and cause blockage that ultimately trigger the growth of acne.