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Image result for Mycoses- Fungus on your SKIN

The person who gets allergic skin disease may be very suffering from the disease. However, this allergic symptom may not affected by obtaining the disease but due to the lack of proper treatment to the skin and the skin become more sensitive to external environment and final get the symptom of allergy.
The usually found fungous skin diseases will be classified into below kinds:
1.      Fungi that only grow on the surface of skin or hair cause the disease called superficial mycoses.
2.      Diseases like athlete foot or ringworm where only a superficial layer of the skin is damaged or infected are known as coetaneous mycoses or dermatomycoses.
3.      Diseases where the subcutaneous, connective, and bone tissue that lie under the superficial layer are affected are known as subcutaneous mycoses. These initiate with a trauma to the skin and are generally chronic in nature.
4.      The only fatal kind of mycoses is the Deep or Systematic mycoses where even the internal organs can be harmed badly by Fungi and can also become widely disseminated. These typically begin from internal elements like lungs and slowly unfold to the opposite elements still.
5.      The diseases that are not caused in the regular course but are caused due to inefficiency of Immune system of Human Body are known as Opportunistic mycoses.
Most of the fungal diseases generally have a mild effect on the skin and are self-regulatory in nature.
Infections are caused by fungi when they pass the resistance levels of Human Skin and are classified on the basis of colonization of tissue levels.
The common symptoms of different kinds of disease fungal infections are as mentioned below:
        Infection in the nails.
        Infection in the inner or outer body of scalp.
        Ringworms of scalp, arms, legs or foot.